Saturday, February 2, 2013

Surcharging is a bad idea for merchants

Don't take my word for it....Here is a professional written opinion from a senior analyst on the new V/M settlement with retailers allowing them to surcharge their customers for paying with credit cards:

Overall, surcharging is a bad idea for merchants. Surcharging can cause consumers to think twice about their purchase at the checkout counter, but there's more to it than that. … Forcing to use a given payment type makes them consider how much money is on-hand in cash, in a [checking] account, and available to pay for the purchase, a mindset that can reduce the amount of goods and services consumers will buy and lower the average ticket price of sales for merchants.

Are you overpaying enough that you think surcharging is a good idea? Call us at 800-530-2440/561-721-1900!

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